Semester 3
During this semester I was lucky enough to be able to continue my studies at home, so that I was surrounded by my family and could keep in contact with my friends. Even though I had this supporting group I, as well as many others, still suffered with longing for the experiences and activities that we could no longer due because of the pandemic. However, through this quarantine I was busy helping remodel the home my parents have bought and the creativity and artistry I could bring to that process made me be grateful for the time given. Even though I could not do what I’m used to, seeing how my family and I could change our house into our vision made me spin the narrative of the quarantine to being suffocatingly boring to actually being productive and a break. When I was beginning the creative process in quarantine a necessary step in initiating the process was to understand what I wanted to get across through my work and why I was invested in the message. Even though I enjoyed a lot of the assignments and activities in Art scholars, I wasn’t invested in them as I was in others. The works that I felt a connection to and felt invested were given greater attention and showed a level of work that represented my work ethic and skills. Following the creative process to when we are able to get critiques, I believe the best way to learn how to find the best in the criticism is to share your work with as many people as possible. When we would be in the zoom meetings and share our work to a group of people and receive feedback it was easier and more efficient to see what stood out to a lot of people, what different people enjoyed about my work, and if there was something wrong that many people commented on or if it was only one persons perspective. I think a lot of the ideas and themes I have learned during this semester were about the perspective of my work by myself and by others.
Hearing the News throughout the semester of movies and film being pushed to being released next year or being broadcasted on specific streaming networks stuck with me through this semester. Film and movies were one of the activities that I feared would go away and would leave even more time to get bored in quarantine, but the opposite effect occurred. Due to the fact that a lot of streaming services took on producing, releasing, and streaming movies that are new or lots of people like me had more time to enjoy watching movies that i missed seeing when I wasn’t in quarantine. For example, at the beginning of the semester I was finally able to watch Infinity war for the first time since it was released and could be a part of my friends' conversation about it rather than base my answers on what I heard. Having the time and the means to watch these movies give me a greater access to different themes, perspectives, and art styles that I otherwise wouldn’t have had the time to learn and experience. This way of thinking was shown in how the Art Scholars were able to still talk in discussions and work on projects in a new format that at first appeared to be a hindrance.
One of my supporting courses for my major is Biology-principles of ecology and evolution and one connection I made between this course and Art Scholars is how you have to present your ideas and information in a professional, informative, and intriguing way. In biology we learned of evolution and organisms that we had to create into posters or PowerPoints that not only portrayed what we learned, but also present it in a way that was interesting to look at. This semester of Art Scholars, while working through capstone proposals, was very similar in this format because we had to represent our ideas efficiently and professionally , while also showing creativity and personalization.
My learning was improved with Art Scholars because the discussion we had in class could be personalized to each of us and give very thought provoking questions and answers. Working through the creative process, like what we worked through for our capstone projects, helped me learn what questions I needed to ask myself to be sure that I answered all the questions that were given and that I completed each part of my assignments. I do think where the living-learning community fell short was the availability of workshops and activities online or in person. I felt this semester that there wasn’t as much interaction between art scholars as there usually is, however this is understandable considering the pandemic that is occurring and everyone being located in different places. During this semester I felt I was always engaged in the discussions given and gave thoughtful answers, as well as, stepping out of my comfort zone by volunteering to do a workshop for my capstone project. I do wish that I was more interactive with other scholars outside of class activities and discussions however due to my schedule and poor planning I failed to make the most of what was available.
Going back to the theme of perspective I think that art scholars have brought me into a lot of contact with other artists who are a little older and have a greater grasp of what art means to them and how they use it to portray their perspective. Learning about their perspective that is different from my own made me question myself to be better and understand what i want and strive for. Listening to their different perspective also gave me the comfort of knowing that it is a process of learning about yourself and art. Learning from other people also helped me gain vocabulary about what I wanted to talk about and therefore have the confidence to speak in discussions about my ideas.

Semester 4
When reflecting back on my time in Arts scholars I see the knowledge and experience I have gained in just a short amount of time. While four semester sounds long, the time appeared to fly by with the amazing people and work I was able to do in this program. In my "Bio/About me" section of my eportfolio I talked about wanting to see how art impacts people and I learned how art is able to bring people together and each person can use art to express their ideas and emotions. While being completely online this semester I worried about being able to experience different art forms and being able to stay in connection with others. I am so grateful that even in online formatting I still learned and practiced new techniques such as drumming, and stamp making and was able to stay in touch with so many people, some previous friends and some new.
Thinking about my own art I believe I have taken a new perspective of trying to plan and think about what my finished product will look like. This semester I was the workshop leader for “The You in Music” and one of the most helpful tools for making the live class each week was creating a lesson plan that gave both the objectives and details on what we would be doing. Before Arts scholars I felt very embarrassed that my work wasn’t as great as everyone else's, so I had a very carefree and nonchalant attitude to my work and many times the finished product felt rushed and incomplete. When I was in the “Empowerment through Collage” workshop and we created a final project about music I was really excited and took the time to plan what I wanted to do and managed my time better than I had before. I think my final project turned out the best it could because of my planning and I felt so proud of my work and myself.
It was the idea of Music and emotional connection that made me want to lead a music therapy workshop for my capstone project. For a group project we took the idea of escapism and half of us made physical art pieces and then the other half did musical works and we combined it into a video. I think if music and the art pieces weren’t together the idea and tone of our project wouldn’t have made sense and that was when I started piecing together the significance with music and our emotions even in everyday life.
Many of my previous art experiences were just fun crafts that I would do in a casual setting, so some of the same activities in Arts Scholar felt very familiar and fun to do. However, being able to experience and see different artistic disciplines that you could do on your own broadened my creativity. I try to listen to different and new music, try different at home crafts while in quarantine and take the time to watch more live performances and documentaries. What I liked the most about the Art Scholars program was that they had such a variety of activities to choose from that you could always learn and do something new and you got the option to choose what you wanted to do , such as the field trips. Just the opportunity and resources to experience and learn techniques from people with expertise or experience gave me so much knowledge on different art techniques and also made me more curious on trying different things.
As stated previously, I was a workshop leader and for the students final project they had the opportunity to choose two themes to represent in any artistic discipline that they wanted. While this would seem very chaotic for final project instructions, I choose to make what their product would look like open ended because from speaking with them and learning what art they enjoy making I knew that the quality of the final projects would be the greatest if they had control over what they wanted to make. When it was time for me to curate all the pieces together, I took it as a fun creative experience because there were a lot of different ideas and styles to take into consideration and place in spots that portrayed what the students wanted to show in their work. From this experience, Art Scholars has taught me to look at diverse artistic perspectives as a creative experience and understanding more about the artist helps with the interpretation of their work.
While my career choice is more scientific based I cherish what Art scholars have taught me in planning my work and time, collaborating with others, and taking a different perspective of situations. I think other courses and programs can help you in a specific career with book smarts, but a lot of people don’t know how to communicate their ideas and interact with people, which is a huge aspect in almost all careers. When I came into college as a freshman, I worried about interacting, making new friends, and networking with people who are in my future career . I was not confident in how I presented myself and felt my ideas appeared unpolished and uninteresting. However, through this program I learned how to be confident in my work because of the time and energy I put in, as well as gained more experience in unique and fun interactions with people. I know that the knowledge and experience I have from the Art Scholars will stay with me for a long time and I will miss the great opportunities of being in this program.